Books       Letters       Me

Books       Letters       Me


Jun 18, 2024


Bookman: 1. a person who has a love of books and especially of reading. 2. a person who is involved in the writing, publishing, or selling of books. Oh, hi that's me!!

Woah: I have a very large to-be-read pile of novels, and still I couldn't help but run and pick up ALL FOURS by Miranda July. I had not heard about this book until 2 hours before I purchased it, but an NYT piece titled “Women Rethinking Marriage and Family Life Because of Miranda July: the author's new network has spurred a whisper network about women fantasizing about desire and freedom.” All of my favorite subjects!!! I had to get in on whatever narrative drove women to quietly send screenshots of these scenes to other women. I'm only through the first act, and I get it. I'll give you my full review once I've finished, but I can tell you that the prose is hilarious, the sexual tension is intense, and that character is a hoot – sometimes annoying me, sometimes making me laugh out loud – and if I was in a relationship that made me feel trapped, this book might strike an even nervier nerve. More to come...


What gets passed down becomes our history. A few for the canon: 

It's been a long time since I've binged an entire season of a podcast, but Beyond All Repair sucked me in. True crime is a tricky genre for me – I want great journalistic reporting and integrity. I want a very listenable host. I want a good story that's not so scary that it gives me nightmares. This one checked all the boxes for me, largely because of Amory Sivertson and her team's talent. It's the best true crime I've listened to since that first szn of Serial.


Stories are heirlooms. Here's one of mine:
I'm building a banquette in my dining area and it feels like the most exciting decision I've made since buying this home. Between that and my new bed frame finally arriving after 6-months in production, I've told everyone I know this week that “I'm nesting.” Those close to me know I have a hard time making decisions around my house – from new lighting to the vintage dining table I can see in my mind's eye but can't find, to the TV that didn't work in my living room for 9 months because I didn't call an electrician. This is not where I thrive. But upon returning home after 4 months away, something has shifted – and that shift is giving this container of love (my home) as much inward energy as I easily send outward toward relationships, travel, intellectual curiosities, creativity, etc. If you have any words of wisdom, I'm open ears. My punch list of home things is getting long ;) 

Woman on xx

My words are written just for you.