How to Live a Perfect Day
Mar 08, 2023The last time I thought to myself, wow…what a perfect day…was a day that I cannot even remember. And I think that’s the entire point.
So often, we expect a “perfect day” to be something epic, like the days that conclude with warm drinks with girlfriends at the base of a mountain after a morning spent working your way down the snow (OK, actually I have had perfect days like this but that’s besides the point).
I like to think of a perfect day as a culmination of small, blissful moments, rather than a day where something major or epic happened. It’s in those quick, beautiful motions of our day that we build satisfaction and ease. Where the stress melts because we’re present to the way the air smells, the hug of a loved one, or the text that made us laugh out loud.
This is why I love my gratitude journal so much, a nightly ritual I’ve actually continued without much more than a week-long fail since 2016. Because when I go back and read the three things I wrote each night that I was grateful for that day, it’s rarely anything earth shattering, exciting or huge. What I’m grateful for are the impossibly tiny things that I won’t likely remember 10 years from now…like facetimes with mom, the ridiculous group text that made me laugh SO hard, the sweet girl in the park, the puppy cuddles, the coffee with my name on it before I finished my order, the support from my team, the writing I did that day. Those moments made the day great, greatness didn’t.
You and I both know that I can’t actually tell you how to live a perfect day. But I can give you some key ingredients for your custom recipe.
Connection with your people…Your heart needs it. Your spirit needs it. Whether it’s facetime with people that just get you or belly laughing at the group memes or dinner with your person. Those moments of connection are so much more important than our to-do list.
Curiosity and Creativity…learning and growing, making and doing. It doesn’t really matter whether you’re into sci-fi, AI, podcasting or nerding out on composting, get interested in things. And then believe in yourself enough to create. Create really bad riffs on an instrument. Create poems. Create ideas. We’re little human antennas, searching for knowledge and then giving birth to it.
Movement and meditation…Whether that’s a walk in the park and some prayer or silence, your spirit needs you to pay attention to her. She wants nothing more than to be alone with you. Silence, alone time, reflection, contemplation, journaling. It’s not a nice to have. It’s really integral in staying attuned with the frequency of you. And the one so much bigger than you.
Yummy foods and fresh water and actual sleep…Need I say more. A water bottle, a night mask, putting your phone outside of your bedroom, and a bowl of fruit near your desk can do amazing, amazing, things for the small choices that make a big impact.
Consider if these ingredients are showing up in your day at all. Are you making time for them? Are you centering yourself and what would feel perfect to you? Make the good stuff a habit, it’ll create way more perfect days that you easily forget in your mind but remember with the deep corners of your heart.
What else would you add? What’s your recipe for a perfect day? Hit reply and let me know!
Woman on xx